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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear all,
I plan to use an arterially perfused bovine eye preparation to study the
kinetics of an opthalmic drug. In the experiment I perfuse the eye at a
constant flow, but the matter is to decide on the optimum flow-rate. I tend
to use a flow rate of about 1ml/min or slightly above, however, I haven't
found any literature about the physiological blood flow in bovine eyes. In
literature about arterially perfused bovine eyes flow rates between 0.8 and
2.4 ml/min were used, but none had a reference to what's physiological. Has
anyone an idea about it or done something similar?
Martin Koeberle
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, UK
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Martin,
I don't have any information about the bovine perfusion rate, but there is a
paper about the arterial flow in the human:
Clinical determination of pulse volumen and basic arterial flow of the eye.
Klin. Mbl. Augenheilkunde 131(1)57-61
The article is in German, but the main point is that per pulse 17-22 =B5L we=
transported into the eye. So if you know the pulse (e.g. 70/min) you can
calculate the flow (1.2-1.5 mL/min).
Hope this helps,
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