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We have a problematic ESRD patient suffering haemodialysis daily and
that is receiving i.v. ganciclovir. Does somebody experience in dosing
ganciclovir in these population?. Recomendations usually advise 1,25
mg/kg 3x/wk and an additional dose after haemodialysis (Sanford 2001).
But: Is this recommendation only for 3 HD/week, or is applicable to a
patient with daily HD?
Also: Has somebody references about pk parameters of gancicklovir, to
simulate its pk behaviour? (imperatively 2-compartment). Thanks in
Juan Pablo Ordov=E1s Baines
Hospital General Universitario Alicante
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Juan,
These might help:
1. Blum MR, Liao SHT, and de Miranda P: Overview of acyclovir
pharmacokinetic disposition
in adults and children. Am J Med. 1982; 73(1A):186-192. 2. de
Miranda P & Blum MR: Pharmacokinetics of acyclovir after intravenous and
administration. J Antimicrob Chemoth. 1983; 12(suppl.B):29-37. 3.
Gnann JW, Barton NH & Whitely RJ: Acyclovir: Mechanism of action,
safety and clinical applications. Pharmacotherapy 1983; 3:275-283.
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Dear Juan,
I add 4 papers en plus to those recommended by Mike Jones:
1. Kupperman, BD. et al. Intravitreal ganciclovir concentration after
intravenous administration in AIDS patients with cytomegalovirus
retinitis: implications for therapy. J Infect Dis 1993;168:1506-1509; 2.
Morse, GD. et al. Comparative pharmacokinetics of antiviral nucleoside
analogues. Clin Pharmacokinet 1993;24:101-123;
3. Boehme, RE. et al. Antiviral agents. In: Annual Reports in Medicinal
Chemistry, Chapter 15, pp.145-153, 1994;
4. Preston, SL. and GL. Drusano. Nonparametric expectation maximization
population modeling of ganciclovir. J Clin Pharmacol 1996;36:301-310.
Sorry for overwhelming you!
Kind regards,
Dimiter Terziivanov
Dimiter Terziivanov, MD,PhD,DSc, Professor Clinic for Therapeutics and
Pharmacology, Univ Hosp "St. I.Rilsky",
15 D. Nestorov st, 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria
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