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Hi, all,
I am doing dissolution study, which tests aqueous
solibility of my formulation. I sampled every interval
such as 15min within one hour, then 1hr after one
hour. I found very big deviation after analysizing
data. There are a lot of factors that may affects the
data such as non-homogenious. I would like to erase
sampling factor, so I want to add internal standard to
adjust the data or to see if there is sampling factor.
My question is: which kind of internal standard can be
used in this type experiment. I want it stable around
37oC, soluable in aqueous MeOH. Can you give me some
suggestion or reference.
Thanks very much
Best Regards
Wenli Ding
Shionogi Bioresearch Corp
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The simplest way (but expensive) is to have the test article synthesized to
contain stable isotopes. The next would use radiolabeled, next find compund
of similare characteristic but which could separate on chromatography.
Advanced Chemistry Development has a program which would allow you to review
possible compounds for internal standards. You could contract the search
for internal standards out.
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