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PharmPK - Discussions about Pharmacokinetics
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I urgently need to find out more about population pk analysis.
Reference papers, web sites or general advice on non-linear modelling would
be greatly appreciated.
David Fleet
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Dear David:
You might go to and look there. We have software
for both parametric and especially nonparametric population PK/PD
modeling. You can write, or have software help you write, the
differential equations, or you can use smaller linear models. These
nonparametric methods, in contrast to many methods in wide use, have
the desirable property of statistical consistency, in that the more
you sample from a population, the closer the results approach the
true results. further, they are also very efficient in the way they
obtain their results, again in contrast with most of the methods in
current wide use. Look under teaching topics, or under new advances,
and click on what you find there. These approaches also link
naturally to the new "multiple model" method of dosage design, to hit
desired target goals with maximum precision, for optimum clinical use
of the information contained in the data from which the models are
I look forward to hearing further from you. Very best regards,
Roger Jelliffe
Roger W. Jelliffe, M.D. Professor of Medicine,
Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics,
USC Keck School of Medicine
2250 Alcazar St, Los Angeles CA 90033, USA
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