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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
I would be grateful if anyone can send by e-mail (or post on the web)
details of a recent (2002/2003) HPLC/UV method for assay in plasma of
Risperidone and its 9-hydroxy metabolite. We don't have use of an
HPLC/MS, but need to carry out bioequivalance studies on newer
formulations. We therefore need a sensitive method. Details of sample
preparation, extraction, column details etc would be appreciated.
Professor. L. A. Damani
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Dear Pr L. A. Adamani,
Please find enclosed the CLHP/UV method we used to work routinely with,
in our laboratory. Perhaps the last reference published in J Chrom B
together with plasma and red blood cells concentrations could also be
Kind Regards
F. Lagrange
Pharm D, Ph D, Assistant Professor
Analysis of eighteen antidepressants, four atypical antipsychotics and
active metabolites in serum by liquid chromatography: a simple tool for
therapeutic drug monitoringJournal of Chromatography B Volume 794,
Issue 1, 25 August 2003, Pages 35-47 Christine Frahnert, Marie Luise
Rao, and Katja Grasmäder Department of Psychiatry, University of Bonn,
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25, D-53105, Bonn, Germany
Long-term pharmacoclinical follow-up in schizophrenic patients treated
with risperidone. Plasma and red blood cell concentrations of
risperidone and its 9-hydroxymetabolite and their relationship to whole
blood serotonin and tryptophan, plasma homovanillic acid,
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol and clinical
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2002 Jun;26(5):975-88.
Fabrice Lagrange
37 Avenue du Stade
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[Attachments aren't allowed on this list, you might ask Dr Lagrange
directly for a copy - db]
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