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Dear Colleagues,
I am trying to identify professionals in Pharmacokinetics of placental
transfer of xenobiotics with a specific interest for those involved in
modelling of drug disposition in the feto-placental unit, both in UE
and in
other parts of the world. Your help would be very much appreciated.
For those of you who knew him and would not already be aware I would
like to take advantage of the present chat forum I just discovered to
you know that Yann Merle passed away a few months ago.
Best wishes,
Gerard Pons, MD, PhD
Pharmacologist, Paediatrician
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology
University Rene Descartes
Head Clinical Pharmacology
Cochin - Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital
82, Av. Denfert-Rochereau
75674 Paris Cedex 14 France
Tel: +33 (0)1 4048 8219
Fax:+33 (0)1 4048 8328
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