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We would be very grateful if you could spare 2 minutes to help us
with a survey on the currently used methodology to assess dose
proportionality in clinical trials (specifically first in human
studies or similar Phase I dose escalation studies, but excluding
Phase II-III studies). We aim to post the results on PharmPK and
incorporate them in a review article on dose proportionality for the
PSI journal Pharmaceutical Statistics.
1. What methodology do you use for assessing dose proportionality?
a) dose normalization of PK parameters followed by a test for
overall differences (eg F test from ANOVA)
b) dose normalization of PK parameters followed by pair wise tests
for differences (eg t tests from ANOVA)
c) estimation of exponent beta from power model (i.e. fitting linear
regression to logged data and estimating the slope)
d) estimation of exponent beta with confidence interval (CI) from
power model
e) any other: please specify
f) none
2. If you use the power model under what circumstances do you
conclude dose proportionality:
a) Exponent beta estimate close to one
b) CI around exponent beta includes unity
c) CI around exponent beta within pre-specified limits based on the
criterion proposed by Smith et al (2000), ie [1+ln(thetaL)/ln(r), 1+ln
(thetaU)/ln(r)], using values thetaL=0.8 and thetaU=1.25
d) CI around exponent beta within other pre-specified limits: please
e) any other: please specify
Responses can be made to PharmPK or directly to Responses received by Thursday
22nd February will be collated and posted on PharmPK. We can
guarantee that all responses will remain anonymous and only summaries
Thank you for your help,
Charlie Brindley, Jurgen Hummel, Ray French and Sue McKendrick
[Responses are best sent to thanks -
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