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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear everybody:
Has anybody experience about levels of Beta 2 Microglobulin (in
urine) in normal
pediatric patients and perhaps its relationship with aminoglycosides
Your information and references (journals or congresses) will be very
Thank you very much.
Paulo A. Caceres Guido
Unidad de Farmacocinetica Clinica
Hospital de Pediatria Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan
Combate de los Pozos 1881 - Planta Baja, Laboratorio.
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina - CP: C1245AAM
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Dear Caceres,
A thorough reading of the following articles may be useful and
Blumer et al; Clinical Pharmacology of aminoglycosides in Pediatrics;
Pediatr Clin North Am 1983 Feb 30 (1) 195 - 208
Alanine aminopeptidase and Beta 2 Microglobulin excretion in patients
receiving Vancomycin and Gentamycin; Antimicobial Agents and
Chemotherapy : 1987: Oct 31 (10) : 1464 - 1464
The full text is available for the second reference free.
Santosh K. Tata
Bioanalytical Division, BEC,
Apotex Inc, Bangalore
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Paulo,
beta-2-microglublin is quite unstable in urine (its stability depends
on pH). Its concentration also
depends on activity and/or concentration of some components of immune
system (this could be the
problem in your case). If you are trying to determine tubulotoxicity
of aminoglycosides you could
try to measure alpha-1-microglobulin or ALP activity in urine. More
information about biomarkers of
nephrotoxicity could be found in standard textbooks of clincal
chemistry like Clinical Laboratory
Diagnostics by L. Thomas or Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry by
Burtis and Ashwood. Hope this
Zeljko Debeljak, PhD student
Medical Biochemistry Specialist
Clinical Hospital Osijek
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