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Dear all,
This is not a product specific question I would just like to hear
some suggestions.
I am not experienced pk scientist so a lack of experience here is
maybe the problem.
I got a task to compare our in house studies with available
literature data and to evaluate if our results are reliable.
This came to be not so easy as I couldn't find a study that is as
our. This is where I need some guidance, I found five studies but not
even one hade the same sampling schedule, dose and bioanalytical
assay. So I concluded that I can't draw conclusions on reliability of
Does anyone think different or has any suggestions.
Regarding a dose of a drug, linearity was investigated over 200-800
mg range, our in house study was conducted on 100 mg dose, can
linearity be expected on 100mg or not? I assumed that the drug is
linear at 100mg dose, does anyone has any other experience with
linearity on doses lower then investigated ones?
With regards,
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Dear Lidija,
Some time ago we undertook a literature validation of our easy to use
pharmacokinetics data analysis software, PK Solutions. The method we
used for the comparison may be of assistance to you. We analyzed
seven plasma level data sets described in the literature and compared
the results obtained by PK Solutions against those published for all
the common parameters calculated.
You can see the test comparison results and the reference to the
published data sets that were used on the "Test" spreadsheet in the
free PK Solutions demo available at
pksolutions.htm (navigate to the Download Page).
I hope this is helpful.
Dr. David S. Farrier
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David S. Farrier, Ph.D. Phone: 970-249-1389
Summit Research Services Fax: 970-249-1360
68911 Open Field Dr. Email:
Montrose, CO 81401 Web:
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