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Dear All,
I am studying the biodistribution profile of a tritiated drug
encapsulated into nanoparticles.
I wanted to determine the blood levels of the compound that was
injected in mice and analyzed by LSC.
The literature expresses the results as %Injected Dose/gram. However,
how should I express my results for the blood levels based on the DPM
that I have obtained?
Is there any conversion factor that can convert the (ml) of blood
collected to the 'weight'?
Any info will be helpful..
Thanks again..
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Dear Kavitha,
Total blood volume (ml) in mice may be calculated using the formula:
Body weight in gram X 0.0778 = Blood volume
With Regards.
Suresh D
D.Suresh, Scientist, Avesthagengraine Technologies Pvt Ltd. 3rd Unit,
9th Floor, Discoverer, ITPL, White field Raod, Bangalore - 560 066
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Dear Suresh,
Great! Thank you very much!
Also, I was wondering if I could express the data as blood data as
dpm/g of blood?
Do let me know, if you had any idea regarding this one
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