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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Hello. I would like to use FD4 (fluoresceinisothiocyanate-dextran) in
a rat
single perfusion model, however I do not have a fluorescence
spectrofluorometer in my lab. Does anyone know if FD4 is stable when
and stored (i.e., I could store the samples for batch
David R. Foster, Pharm.D.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Purdue University, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Wishard Health Services, W7555 Myers Building
1001 W. Tenth Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-2879
(317) 613-2315x309, fax (317) 613-2316
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
I used FITC inulin in rat plasma. We could freeze up to 3 cycles -80.
Just need to demo FT and long term stability.
Ed O'Connor, PhD
Technical Director, Immunoanalytical
Tandem Laboratories
115 Silvia Street
West Trenton, New Jersey
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Dr. Foster,
In the 11th annual FDA Science Forum (2005), a poster was presented by
Hunt , Faustino and Volpe on the stability of in vitro stock
solutions. Various drug and reagent solutions were tested.
The abstract reads that even though, FITC-dextran (FD4) stock was
stored at at -80=B0C, the content decreased 7% after 2 weeks. This
should be accounted for even though it does not sound very
It should be noted though that stock solutions were tested by that
group. Diluted working solutions are generally expected to be less
I think it can [it can - db] be found through a listing by authors in =20=
the following
website; but I am copying [listing - db] the abstract below just in =20
I hope this is of help.
Murad Melhem, Ph.D.
Cognigen Corporation
Buffalo, NY
Board Number: H-09
Title: Stability screening of in vitro stock drug solutions
Authors: R. L. Hunt , P. J. Faustino , D. A. Volpe , DPQR/CDER/FDA, =20
Silver Spring, MD
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