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I have a question concerning multiple intravenous dose pharmacokinetics.
I am searching for the derivation of the formula for Css(max) at
steady state.
Can anyone help me?
I would be very glad about an answer.
Best regards,
Dr. Katrin Kupas
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Dear Dr. Kupas,
The derivation of the formula for Css(max) following multiple iv
dosing is provided by M. Gilbaldi and D. Perrier, Pharmacokinetics,
2nd ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY, NY (1982), pp.113-117. ISBN
This is one of some 75 pharmacokinetic parameters computed and
graphed by PK Solutions based on input of plasma level data following
iv and extravascular dosing. A free listing of all the
pharmacokinetic formulas used in the program is available for perusal
and downloading at:
Best Regards,
David S. Farrier
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David S. Farrier, Ph.D. Phone: 970-249-1389
Summit Research Services Fax: 970-249-1360
68911 Open Field Dr. Email:
Montrose, CO 81401 Web:
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