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I would like to know how to calculate the intrasubject CV's for a 4-
period 2-treatment replicate bioequivalence trial which I intend to
analysis using proc mixed (SAS). I have analysed crossover
bioequivalence trials before and used the formula 100%(e^MSE-1)^0.5 to
calculate itrasubject CV where MSE is the mean square error. I got MSE
this using proc glm. How should I calculate it this time? Do I
calculate two separate ANOVA models for each treatment and use the
different MSE's from each analysis to give separate intra-subject CV's
or do I take a completly different approach?
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It's the same approach as with GLM. The model would look like
proc mixed;
class subject trt period sequence;
model lny = trt period sequence / ddfm=sat;
random intercept / subject=subject(sequence);
run; quit;
When using Proc Mixed, the variance components are separated into
between, which is called the intercept, and residual. Use the
residual variance to calculate intrasubject CV.
pete bonate
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