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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear all,
First, thanks a lot for suggestions about sample preparation for
Liquid Scintillation Counting.
I have more questions:
1. I used water to make homogenates of tissues. The compound was
dual labeled with 3H and 14C. I stored these homogenates at -20
degree. Will water gradually affect this radioactivity? If yes, how
fast will it be? I mean, should I determine the radioactivity right
after preparation or in one week or longer? Will frost and defrost
these homogenates also affect the counting?
2. Based on the weight of the tissue (not the weight of homogenate),
how much I can put for counting?
200 mg or no more than 500 mg? Is there some ratio between the
tissue and solubilizer? Or up to the tissue solubilized?
Thanks again!
Ru Yan
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Dear Yan,
I have not frozen or thawed the samples several times. But, as far as
I think water will not affect the counts or 'dpms' only thing that
maybe f concern is the amount of water that is present in the samples.
What I suggest is the following,
1. Make sure for all your samples and controls, use the same amount
of homogenate to soulubilizer ratio.
2. samples do remain stable at -20 but it is advisable that tissue
samples that are aqueous based, are best stored at -80
3. I think the following application notes by perkin Elmer is quite
good as initial refernce guide.
Good Luck,
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