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This one is for all the PK gurus out there. OK, here it is.
I dosed this drug IV, two shots, one week apart and collected blood in
both experiments.
First experiment: (time, conc ug/ml)
(5min, 25)
(10min, 4)
(30min, 6)
So as you would imagine the concentrations zigzag for about 4 hours
and then drops below the LLOQ.
When I repeated the experiment, using the same animal, same dose, I
got the same zigzag profile, but the concentrations are much lower,
and nothing is detectable after 30min.
First issue: zigzaging concentration profile after an IV bolus. I
have no idea why that is?
Second issue: diminished concentrations after administration of the
same dose. I'm thinking may be induction or upregulation of a
biotransformation enzyme?
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
The first thing I would look at is the assay. Are your assay results
valid? I would then look at stabilty. Is there something going on
after you collect the samples? Possible degradation that might vary
from one sample to the next. Can there be redistribution from RBCs to
whole blood? I would want to look at all other exogenous reasons
before I go start looking for physiologic reasons. The time course of
your study seems too short to consider upregulation.
pete bonate
Peter Bonate, PhD, FCP
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Oliver
Zigzaging in drug profile may be due to distribution and
re-distribution phenomenon or chances of eratic bioavailability. For
second issue, we also found a drug with low plasma concentration in a
cross over study. May be it is worth to mention the vehicle of the
Nadeem Irfan Bukhari
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Nadeem,
the vehicle is saline. What do you mean by distribution and re-
distribution phenomenon?
Many thanks
Hi Pete,
I validated the assay and all the QCs have passed with accuracy above
95%. I tested the analyte stability in plasma and no loss is evident
for up to 4 hours (I didn't test further than that). Furthermore, all
samples have been spiked with an ISTD before extraction. The ISTD is
an identical molecule (almost) and there is very little fluctuation
from one sample to another (+-10%). I would be surprised if anything
is happening post collection that causes this zigzaging.
Regarding the redistribution from RBCs to whole blood, can you
elaborate on that, any references would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
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We have had quite a similar problem with a new drug intensively
distributed to RBC.
Plasma concentration seemed to be extremly variable... but after a
closer look, it was related to haemolysis during sample extraction.
(the higher the haemolysis the higher the concentration).
Hope this helps.
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Hi Olivier
a classic example of redistribution between RBCs and plasma is
cyclosporin ( CSA). you can do a pubmed search to see the changes in
CSA concentrations and why CSA is usually measured in blood versus
plasma because of this high variability. Many factors affect the
redistribution including the sample temperature, the standing time
before centrifugation, etc...
hope this helps
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Oliver
One of the reasons for zigzag profile may be due to drug distribution
to some tissues from where it is again distributed to blood and so on.
Howerver, there are other reasons as well. Tissue distribution study
may give some information. However, Peter Bonate has rightly stated to
check for the exogenous reason before assessing the physiologic
Vehicle was asked becasue, in our study, we administered drug as
nanoparticles and found drug with multipeaks in first session and in
second session, very low drug concentrations in all rats. Being normal
saline, the vehhicle does not seems to influence such profile.
Thanks and regards.
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What about the solubility, can the drug precipitate after it is
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