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I am looking for some % of body weight for the skin in the 3 species
(i.e. rat, dog, monkey) and human.
Does anybody have some % BW they want to share with me,
Thank you in advance,
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The book "Scientific Tables" Published by Geigy Pharmaceuticals has
information on the weight of the human skin for the standard 70 kg man.
I don't know if it still in print and updated but it has a wealth of
information germane to human physiology.
James D. Prah, PhD
Human Studies Division MD (58B)
Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711
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In general, these values are not well established. The literature is
and the quality of studies is not that good. The literature value
for skin
of rat is 18% of BW (Caster et al., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med.
(1956)). I don't know of any values in dog or human. I have not
the literature in about 10 years, but I concluded that there was no
reliable data in the rat and certainly nothing on how they would
change with
strain age or sex.
Dale Sharp
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My Geigy Scientific Tables puts the weight of the skin of a 70 kg man at
2100 gm.
James D. Prah, PhD
Human Studies Division MD (58B)
Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711
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Dear Pascal
As part of our population-based whole body PBPK model for human in
Simcyp, we needed to develop age, sex, body weight, ... dependent
equations for predicting the volume of tissues/organs in the human
body. Therefore, we went through the literature and found many useful
publications (three are listed below). You can use the following
equations to predict the volume of skin (total of epidermis and
dermis) in adult males and females separately:
Male - Skin (L)=BSA*1.595 (average for an adult male is 3 L)
Female - Skin (L)= BSA*1.2875 (average for an adult female is 2.09 L)
for predicting Body Surface Area you can use:
BSA(m^2)=0.007184* weight (kg)^0.425 * height (cm)^0.725 (Du Bois and
Du Bois 1916).
The specific density of skin is 1.1 g/cm^3 which can be used to get
the skin weight if needed.
ICRP (1975) Report of the task group on Reference Man (No. 23).
Pergamon Press, Oxford .
ICRP (2002) Basic anatomical and physiological data for use in
radiological protection: reference values. A report of age- and
gender-related differences in the anatomical and physiological
characteristics of reference individuals. ICRP Publication 89. Ann
ICRP 32:5-265.
Price PS, Conolly RB, Chaisson CF, Gross EA, Young JS, Mathis ET and
Tedder DR (2003) Modeling interindividual variation in physiological
factors used in PBPK models of humans. Crit Rev Toxicol 33:469-503.
Hope you find this information useful.
Masoud Jamei, PhD, SMIEEE
Senior Scientist,
Simcyp, Blades Enterprise Centre, John Street, Sheffield S2 4SU, UK
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