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Does anyone have experience regarding method development and assay validation for drugs (mostly antibiotics) in ELF?
Any guidance appreciated.
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As a starting point, let me recommend the following reading: Kiem and Schentag, Interpretation of antibiotic concentration ratios measured in epithelial lining fluid. Antimicrob. Ag. Chemother. 2008;52(1):24-336. I believe it provides answers to most methodological aspects.
Best of success!
Henri Merdjan
Vice-President, Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Novexel, France
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Hi David,
Paper mentioned by Henri Merdjan (VP - Novexel, France) is a review article about different classes of antibiotics penetration into the ELF and cellular components of the Lung
Please find the below mentioned paper by A.Louie and G. Drusano from Ordway Research Institute _ USA, that clearly explains the method development and validation of the ELF collection by Bronco alveolar Lavage (BAL) and its analysis.
Pharmacodynamics of Levofloxacin in a Murine Pneumonia Model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection: Determination of Epithelial Lining Fluid Targets, Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009 August; 53(8): 3325-3330
Wishing you all the Best.
Jitendar Reddy
AstraZeneca, Bangalore, India
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