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Dear All,
I have a very basic question with regards to use of curve stripping for
determining initial estimates in compartmental modelling following IV
bolus and oral dose administration.
I know that curve stripping is done in case of single dosing situations
for generating initial estimates then what about multiple doses cases
how do we input the initial estimates while dosing compartmental
If curve stripping is done for multiple dose cases also then How does
one do curve stripping in case of Multiple dose scenario, which dose has
to be entered in WINNONLIN for curve stripping
In case of unequal doses dosed at regular intervals in that scenario
which dose do we consider for curve stripping? should we consider
initial dose or last dose for curvestripping?
In general what is the frequency of its usage in frequent compartmental
analysis by PK community in their day to day analysis
Did anyone compare the final estimates generated when initial estimate
are generated by winnonlin and user defined estimates, which one worked
I would appreciate comments from our esteemed PK community
K.Harish Kaushik
Systems Engineer
PK/PD Software development team
TCS Hyderabad
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