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Dear All:
I have a question now confusing me. We all know that we can use pooled human liver
microsomes to perform in vitro assay to calculate Vmax and Km, and then using Vmax/Km we
can get intrinsic clearance. The predicted in vivo intrinsic clearance can be extroplated
by multipling MPPGL and liver weight values. If the metabolic reaction we detected was
mainly mediated by CYP3A4/5, can we use this Vmax and Km data to predict the intestinal
Normally the microsomes vendor will not provide the value of CYP3A4/5 content per mg
protein, but we know the physiological value of CYP3A4/5 content in liver and intestines,
so we can get physiological CYP3A4/5 content per protein, is it can be used to
re-calculate the Vmax from pmol/min/mg protein to pmol/min/pmol CYP3A4? If so, the
intestinal microsomes can be got from Vmax/Km*(CYP450 content in intestines). Is it
reasonable? Or we must perform another study using intestinal microsomes?
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Hi Jian
The main issue here is to confirm one pmol of CYP3A does the same job in
the liver and intestine and this has been shown. So, you are right to
assume it is possible to extrapolate intestinal clearance from liver
metabolism data and it has been done successfully for a number of drugs.
For your information it is also shown that there is a very good degree
of consistency between clearance values extrapolated from liver and
intestinal microsomes. Please see the following papers for full details:
Yang J, Tucker GT and Rostami-Hodjegan A (2004) Cytochrome P450 3A
expression and activity in the human small intestine. Clin Pharmacol
Ther 76:391.
Yang J, Jamei M, Yeo KR, Tucker GT and Rostami-Hodjegan A (2007)
Prediction of Intestinal First-Pass Drug Metabolism. Curr Drug Metab
Gertz M, Harrison A, Houston JB and Galetin A (2010) Prediction of human
intestinal first-pass metabolism of 25 CYP3A substrates from in vitro
clearance and permeability data. Drug Metabolism and Disposition
Gertz M, Houston JB and Galetin A (2011) Physiologically-based
pharmacokinetic modeling of intestinal first-pass metabolism of CYP3A
substrates with high intestinal extraction. Drug Metab Dispos.
Regards Masoud
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Hi, Masoud:
Thanks for your response. Another my concern is when we use microsomes to get Vmax
value, the unit will be pmol/min/mg protein, can we directly transform this unit to
pmol/min/pmol CYP3A4 by the reported value such as 155 pmol/mg protein? When we do
like this, how to handle the discrepancy among so many products provided by
different companies and different lots? Can we just assume all the products of
pooled liver microsomes were uniform and can represent the reality?
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Hi Jian
If microsomes come from single or a few donors then assuming the average
abundance value couldn't be valid. However if you are using pooled data
from say 100 donors or more then this assumption might be sensible.
Alternatively you can characterize microsomes yourself or use the
supplier values if they have done it.
The average liver CYPs abundances can be found in the following article:
Rowland-Yeo K, Rostami-Hodjegan A and Tucker GT (2003) Abundance of
cytochrome P450 in human liver: a meta-analysis. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol
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