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Dear all,
I am looking for a package that runs under Windows, is user-friendly, i.e. good manual, good help instructions, good user-interface, student-proof, etc.
In the past I used ModelMaker, which was very "intuitive" for building all sorts of models, not just PK models. It also had some reasonable capability to fit models against real data. However, it seems that ModelMaker has not been kept up-to-date and (technical) support is seriously lacking.
I have made some queries into STELLA, which seems quite nice, but this appears to have no (?) model fitting features. It has been suggested to me to combine STELLA with a third-part tool called PEST, which doesn't fill me with enthusiasm.
Do you have any suggestions for alternative packages, not necessarily limited to the field of PK?
Best regards,
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Have you looked at the SAAM II program...
Used for PK and non-PK applications.
Hugh Barrett
The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Depending on what you want to do, you might look at TCIworks
Dear Frederik,
maybe the following platform is of interest for you:
It contains PK-Sim, which is a user-friendly PBPK modeling tool, and MoBi, which is a flexible modeling tool also containing a fitting feature. MoBi allows to both modify or extend PK-Sim-build PBPK models or, alternatively, build (compartmental) PK or PD models (including biochemical reaction networks) from the scratch. However, this requires some understanding of rate equations, for example, I guess. You can theoretically even model a lot more, but it is designed for biology-related questions. Anyway, both are primarily made for research, but I think with PK-Sim and also with MoBi to a certain extend basic questions can be addressed in a student-proof way. Manuals and some examples are included ...
Kind regards,
I suppose you also want this ideal package to be free?
Perhaps the closest to your ideal would be Monolix. Its mainly aimed at fitting data but I use it for an introductory course for fitting data.
For simulation I use Berkeley Madonna. Its not free - but also not expensive. I used to be a ModelMaker but find that BM is more flexible for simulation. I use this to teach with too.
You can try these out in Auckland if you get in touch :-)
Hi Frederik
You can find a comprehensive list of available software packages at:
The best program in my mind is SAAM II ( Right now it is in flux with regards to support but is still a stable and mature program that I have used for years.
Peter Bonate
[any relation to SAAM-23 on an IBM 360 ;-) aah punch cards, line printers.
You might consider boomer at
with JGuiB at
Is any non-linear regression program friendly. - db]
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