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Dear all,
we are happy to announce the release of Maxsim2 2.0, which is an easy to use,
intuitive, and interactive application for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
simulation, developed at the Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Centre for Industrial
Maxsim2 provides a gallery of common PK and PD models by which one interacts
using sliders, check boxes, and number fields, which in real time is mirrored in
changes of concentration-time or response-time simulation profiles. This
interactivity and direct visual feedback of what-if scenarios give a very good
understanding of both the qualitative and quantitative impact of different
parameters such as volumes of distribution, clearance, partition coefficients,
potency, and dosage.
Pharmacokinetic Models:
* Physiological Models
- Tissue-Blood Drug Uptake (Human, Rat, Cat, Dog, Horse)
* Compartment Models
- One-Compartment
- Two-Compartment
- Target-mediated Drug Disposition
Pharmacodynamic Models:
* Indirect Response Models
- Inhibition of production/loss
- Stimulation of production/loss
* Instantaneous Response Models
- Ordinary Emax
- Stimulatory Sigmoidal Emax
- Inhibitory Sigmoidal Emax
Dosage regimens for the above models include any combination of user specified
time scheduled i.v. bolus, i.v. infusion, and oral/extravascular administration.
Maxsim2 are successfully used both in education and for professional
applications where thorough understanding and communication of pharmacodynamic
and pharmacokinetic phenomena are of importance.
A 30 days fully functional trial version can be downloaded from
Best regards,
Mats Jirstrand
on behalf of the Maxsim2 development team
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