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Our pharmacy program, similar to many others, has many students with English as a second
language. These students may benefit from a supplemental text in their primary language.
Can people please share "standard" pharmacokinetics textbooks in languages other than
English? I would like to add some to our library. Thanks!
Lane Brunner
Lane J. Brunner, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Professor and Chair
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
California Northstate College of Pharmacy
10811 International Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Hi Lane,
The Goodman and Gilman usually has a basic section on PK, and it is published in Spanish.
Hope it helps.
Amparo de la Pena
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Hi Lane,
Biofarmacia y Farmacocinetica from J Domenech, J Martinez-Lanao and JM Pla Delfina. Ed
Sintesis : Vol, I and II, is also published in Spanish.
Hope it helps.
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Re : PK textbooks in non-English languages
I just published a text book in Thai language about the Human drug metabolism, if you
think it will be useful for your students , I could send it to you without any charge.
ecept the shipment cost.
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Lane Brunner <> ha escrit:
PharmPK PK textbooks in non-English languages
Dear Prof. Brunner,
There are several texts in Spanish besides those already cited in the list, such as those
indicated below:
Title: Manual de iniciacion a la Biofarmacia (Farmacocinetica aplicada).
Authors: Pla Delfina, J.M. and Pozo Ojeda, A.
Ed.: Romargraf. Barcelona. Year: 1974.
ISBN: 84-400-8137-7.
It is not easy to get, but as I think it was the first book that was written about this
topic in Spanish and is very interesting.
Title: Introduccion a la Biofarmacia.
Author: Gibaldi, M. Translated by Cabo Torres, J.
Ed.: Acribia. Zaragoza. Year: 1974.
ISBN: 84-200-0332-8
Title: Introduccion a la Farmacocinetica.
Authors: Clark B. Smith, D.A. Translated by Cadorniga Carro, R. and Barcia Hernandez, E.
Ed.: Acribia. Zaragoza.
ISBN: 84-200-0647-5
Title: Farmacocinetica:
Authors: Gibaldi, M. and Perrier, D. Translated by Pla Delfina J.M. and Moreno Dalmau J.
Ed.: Reverte S.A. Barcelona. Year: 1982.
ISBN: 84-291-5535-X
Title: Farmacocinetica Clinica.
Author: Wagner, J.G. Translated by Cadorniga Carro, R., Pla Delfina, JM.
Ed.: Editorial Reverte, S.A. Barcelona. Year: 1983.
ISBN: 84-291-5602-X
Title: Biofarmacia
Authors: Aiache, J.M., Devisasaguet, J., Guyot-Hermann, A.M. Translated by Roca, R.
Ed.: El Manual Moderno, S.A. de C.V. Mexico, D.F. Year: 1983.
ISBN: 986-426-249-3
Title: Farmacocinetica Clinica Basica.
Author: Winther, M.E. Translated by Pol Yanguas, E.
Ed.: Diaz de Santos. Madrid. Year: 1994.
ISBN: 84-7978-147-5
Title: Farmacocinetica y terapeutica.
Author: Fagiolino, P.
Ed.: Asoc. Pro-Fundacion para el Progreso de la Quimica. Montevideo. Year: 1999.
ISBN: 9974-7584-0-8
Titol: Farmacocinetica de los medicamentos. Nuevos metodos y criterios para su evaluacion
Author: Pazo Carracedo, S.
Ed.: Diaz de Santos. Madrid. Year: 2001.
ISBN: 84-7978-496-2
Titol: Farmacocinetica facil
Author: Birkett, D.J. Translated by Teran, E. Rew. Dominguez-Gil Hurle, A.and Garcia
Sanchez, M.J.
Ed.: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de Espana, S.A.U. Madrid. Year: 2005.
ISBN: 84-481-9804-2
Title: Biofarmacia y Farmacocinetica. Ejercicios y problemas resueltos (with a CD-ROM)
Authors: Aguilar Ros, A.; Caamano Somoza, M. Martin Martin, F.R., Montejo Rubio, M.C.
Ed.: Elsevier. Barcelona. Year: 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-8086-286-8
Obviously this list is not exhaustive, but I hope this information will be useful for you.
If you want some additional information, please contact directly with me.
Best regards
Eduardo L. Marino PharmD PhD.
Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology.
Head of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Unit.
Faculty of Pharmacy.
University of Barcelona (Spain).
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