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Hi all,
This is the first time I am posting a mail on Pharm PK.
I have some doubt regarding the SABE (scaled average bioequivalence) how
can we find the confidence bound for the PK parameters of interest in
this study. does winnonlin give this confidence bound? according to my
knowledge it only provides us the PBE and IBE bounds (reference scaled
as well as constant scaled). Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks and kind regards
shikha rawat
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Shikha!
There is not native 'push-the-button' solution for SABE (like ABE and
PBE/IBE) implemented - neither in (classical) WinNonlin nor in
Phoenix/WinNonlin. I highly recommend to upgrade to Phoenix (free of
charge with a current WinNonlin license) because renewal will end in
June 2012 (v5.2.1) and September 2012 (v5.3).
Theoretical it is possible to set up SABE in WinNonlin but this is a
cumbersome and error-prone task, IMHO. In Phoenix it is much easier.
Some hints here:
Essentially you have to setup the analysis according to SAS-code
provided in FDA's progesterone guidance (Feb 2011). Unfortunately five
lines of code are missing in the PDF. For the complete code see here:
To calculate the critical bound you need values of the inverse Chi-sq
distribution, which are not available as a function in both WinNonlin
and Phoenix.
My workaround was to generate a table in R (;
for (dfd in seq(1,200, by=1)){
Cinv <- qchisq(0.95, df=dfd)
cat(paste(dfd, "\t", Cinv, "\n"))
Save results in TXT- or CSV-format and import it into Phoenix.
Native support of RSABE (FDA) and ABEL (EMA) is scheduled to be
implemented in a future relase of Phoenix (QC_PHX6269), but will not be
part of the next release (6.3) targeted for end of March this year.
I have already setup a workflow in the Release Candidate 3 of v6.3beta
and will publish a whitepaper once the final version is available, time
Best regards,
Ing. Helmut Schuetz
BEBAC - Consultancy Services for
Bioequivalence and Bioavailability Studies
Neubaugasse 36/11
1070 Vienna, Austria
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