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Dear all,
I wanted you to be aware of a new book I have written on communicating models. As you know from my
webinars and recent commentary in CP&T that I believe poor communication of our modeling and
simulation results is hindering taking modeling and simulation to the next level in terms of
influence and impact. Like when I decided a book needed to be written on how to model
pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic data using modern analysis methods, I decided that something needed
to be written about communication specifically for modeling and simulation. So I took it upon
myself to write it. I have spent years researching this topic and believe that I have written a
useful book that will be of value to the reader. The title is Be a Model Communicator and Sell Your
Models to Anyone. It is available on Amazon in print
&qid=1421877522&sr=1-1 ) and for the Kindle
_encoding=UTF8&sr=1-1&qid=1421877522 ). I am working on an iTunes ebook version and will hopefully
have it available in a few weeks. Here is the blurb for it on Amazon:
Modeling and simulation are increasingly being used in science, business, and engineering to
understand and explain complex systems, make predictions, and improve decision-making. Modeling
today is not just about developing models. Modelers must be able to efficiently and effectively
communicate their results to both laypeople and other scientists for their results to be useful and
have impact. Unfortunately, scientists are taught to be boring and academic, all in the name of
scientific rigor and professionalism. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this engaging and
dynamic book, Dr. Bonate shows step-by-step from planning to delivery how to improve your oral
presentations and become a better model communicator. Numerous examples and humorous anecdotes are
used to explain concepts and material. Anyone who engages in modeling and simulation will benefit
from reading this book.
I get asked all the time about a new edition for my PKPD book and I have to say that the last few
years have been spent working on this instead. I hope the community will find it useful. As
always, I look forward to feedback to make it better in the future.
Pete Bonate
Peter L. Bonate, PhD
Senior Director
Global Head - Pharmacokinetics, Modeling, and Simulation
Global Clinical Pharmacology & Exploratory Development
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