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Does anyone have a library of pharmacokinetic functions for MathCad they
would be willing to share?
from: "Merlin V. Nelson"
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Hi Merlin,
I have MathCad programs for simulating two simple models: multiple-dose,
2-compartment model, first-order absorption with a lag-time; multiple-dose,
2-compartment model, zero-order infusion.
Perhaps a directory should be created for MathCad files in the Stanford
PK/PD repository.
Derek A. Ganes, Ph.D.
Director, Biopharmaceutics
Biovail Corporation International
Contract Research Division
460 Comstock Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1L 4S4
416-752-3636 Ext. 253
416-752-7610 (FAX)
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PharmPK mailing list recipients:
In response to the e-mail from Dr. Ganes, I have set up a directory for
PK/PD files for MathCad in the repository I maintain at Stanford. To send
files, connect using anonymous FTP to,
and log into the directory "newfiles.dir". You will have read/write
permission in that directory. Download your files to that directory, and
send me an e-mail about what you have downloaded. I will transfer them
to the MathCad directory.
Thanks in advance for making your PK/PD software publically available.
Steve Shafer
Name: Steven L. Shafer, M.D.
E-mail: Steven Shafer
Phone: 415 852-3419 FAX: 415 852-3414
Pager: 415 723-8222 No. 3477
Date: 12/05/95, Time:08:51:21
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