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I have recently placed a free, searchable, database of more than 4,000
prescription and over the counter (US) drug products on the web. While
this site is primarily intended for use by the public, I though you might
have interest in it, as well. The url is:
The search engine employs 'fuzzy' logic which enables one to often find
a name even when it is misspelled. Presently the output is very simple
with generic name, brand name, and therapeutic category being the only
fields. In the near future, however, I will add links from the query
results to html monographs on therapeutic cateogories as well as selected
products. I am interested in your feedback as you may have other ideas for
this site that I hadn't thought of. Please feel free to add a link to this
site from yours, if you feel it is appropriate.
Neil Sandow, Pharm.D.
from: "Neil Sandow, Pharm.D."
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