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Can anyone suggest some references which I can read which describe the basic
foundational principles underlying bayesian pharmacokinetics? I would
especially like a few sources which just go over the basic principles without
getting too technical. I've heard that Bayes theorem represents some kind
of statistical technique using population parameters or something. I've seen
it compared in studies and advertised in pharmacokinetic programs to
"traditional" pharmacokinetic techniques but have never had a really good
conception of what is represents or how to utilize it. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
Randy Kuiper, RPh.
Great Falls, MT
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There are several articles written on Bayesian theory relating to
Sheiner LB, Rosenberg B, Melmon KL. Modelling of individual pharmacokinetics
for computer-aided drug dosage. Computers and biomedical research 1972; 5:
441-459. (One of the original articles)
Sheiner LB, Beal SL, Rosenberg B, et al. Forecasting individual
pharmacokinetics. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1979; 26: 294-305.
Sheiner LB, Rosenberg B, Marathe VV. Estimation of population
characteristics of pharmacokinetics parameters from routine clinical data.
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics 1977; 5: 445-79.
Sheiner LB, Beal SL. Bayesian individualization of pharmacokinetics: Simple
implementation and comparison with non-bayesian methods. Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences 1982; 71: 1344-8.
Schumacher GE, Barr JT. Bayesian approaches to pharmacokinetic decision
making. Clinical Pharmacy 1984; 3: 525-30. A straightforward simple
Vozeh S, Steimer JL. Feedback control methods for drug dosage optimisation.
Concepts, classification and clinical application. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
1985; 10: 457-476.
I hope these references help.
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As the matter of fact, there is no Bayesian pharmacokinetics. There is
a method of obtaining individual estimates of PK parameters from few
measurements (not sufficient to get them in a standard way by fitting
a model to these measurements) which is called Bayesian
individualization. To apply it, you should know (i) the PK model, (ii)
population averages of model parameters, (iii) inter-individual
variability in these parameters, and (iv) residual (intra-individual)
variability in your measurements not explained by inter-individual
differences in PK parameters. Then, you need a nonlinear regression
program which minimises an objective function of special form called
Bayesian objective function.
In addition to the references given by Michael Burton I would
recommend several more recent publications:
Proost, J.H. Adaptive control of drug dosage regimens using maximum a
posteriori probability Bayesian fitting. Int J Clin Pharm
Therapeutics, 1995, 33: 531-536.
Wakefield, J. and Racine-Poon, A. An application of Bayesian
population pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic models to dose
recommendation. Stat Med. 1995; 14(9-10):971-986.
Tanigawara, Y.; Yano, I.; Kawakatsu, K.; Nishimura, K.; Yasuhara, M.,
and Hori, R. Predictive performance of the Bayesian analysis - effects
of blood sampling time, population parameters, and pharmacostatistical
model. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics. 1994;
El-Desoky, E.; Meinshausen, J.; Buhl, K.; Engel, G.; Haringskaim, A.;
Drewelow, B., and Klotz, U. Generation of pharmacokinetic data during
routine therapeutic drug monitoring: Bayesian approach vs
pharmacokinetic studies. Ther. Drug. Monit. 1993; 15(4):281-288.
You can find a lot of references to more specific publications in
these papers.
Vladimir Piotrovskij, Ph.D. Fax: +32-14-603768
Janssen Research Foundation Email:
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
B-2340 Beerse
from: "Vladimir Piotrovskij"
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Perhaps a statement on Bayesian methodology of pharmacokinetic analysis and
its cost-utility in a clinical setting would be a useful topic, vis a vis
our prevoius discussions on consensus statements.
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