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Dear Colleagues,
Most of the messages and discussions going on in the list are interesting,
although somewhat unconnected. Probably, this is the intention of a list on
the Internet.
However, to show ourselves and others ('our sceptical colleagues') that the
lists on the Internet are a useful and efficient tool for the progress of
health care sciences, I suggest that we prepare 'Consensus Statements' on
topics related to our list. We all have sound scientific knowledge and/or
clinical experience in the field of pharmacokinetics to be able to prepare
valuable documents for the benefit of our colleagues and the care of our
Possible schedule:
1.- A member of the list suggests a topic and a co-ordinator (himself?).
2.- The co-ordinator prepares a basic document.
3.- The basic document is sent through the list to all members (as
an attachment).
4.- For a given term (2 weeks?), those who wish to participate and
contribute to the Consensus Statement should sent their comments and
amendments to the co-ordinator.
5.- The co-ordinator produces a second document.
6.- The second document is e-mailed to those who have significantly
contributed to it for final consideration.
7.- For a short term (1 week?), last comments and amendments may be
sent to the co-ordinator.
8.- The co-ordinator prepares a final document and sends it for
publication to an adequate journal.
An example: Consensus statement on once-daily dosing of aminoglycoside
by the Internet PharmPK list
contributors: A, B, C, ... X
Will we not be able to do it?.
Cris Ronchera-Oms
Hospital Pharmacist
Valencia, Spain
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> PharmPK - Discussions about Pharmacokinetics
> Pharmacodynamics and related topics
> However, to show ourselves and others ('our sceptical colleagues') that the
> lists on the Internet are a useful and efficient tool for the progress of
> health care sciences,
I dont think this should be the primary reason i.e. to convince the
A better reason would be because we wish to advance our science by
collaborating to produce a review document.
I certainly support the concept. It does not have to be a consensus
view. If there is controversy then this should be reviewed as well.
I would also like to suggest that consideration is given to creating an
HTML version of the document at an early stage.
> 8.- The co-ordinator prepares a final document and sends it for
> publication to an adequate journal.
As Consulting Editor for 'Clinical Pharmacokinetics' I would be
delighted to consider such a document for publication.
Nick Holford, Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology
University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand tel:+64(9)373-7599x6730 fax:373-7556
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Your idea concerning consensus documents is very good. I will no doubt add
some element of organization to the group. It will, however, require some
fine tuning before a "consensus" is reached on the final format. I have a
topic or two that I would be very interested in getting everybody's opinion
However, this new "activity" should not replace the current free-flow format
because it has its advantages despite the apparent incoherence at times.
I find your suggestion worthy of support and discussion.
Addios for now.
N. Anaizi, PhD RPh
Univ. of Rochester Medical Center
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At 11:16 AM 6/12/96 -0500, you wrote:
>PharmPK - Discussions about Pharmacokinetics
> Pharmacodynamics and related topics
>Dear Colleagues,
>Most of the messages and discussions going on in the list are interesting,
>although somewhat unconnected. Probably, this is the intention of a list on
>the Internet.
>However, to show ourselves and others ('our sceptical colleagues') that the
>lists on the Internet are a useful and efficient tool for the progress of
>health care sciences, I suggest that we prepare 'Consensus Statements' on
>topics related to our list.......
With all due respect, I VOTE NO to this suggestion. It is too structured and
artificial and academic. It will result in a weekly pontificator and/or a
miopic dialogia.
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At 11:16 AM 6/12/96 -0500, you wrote:
>PharmPK - Discussions about Pharmacokinetics
> Pharmacodynamics and related topics
>Dear Colleagues,
>Most of the messages and discussions going on in the list are interesting,
>although somewhat unconnected. Probably, this is the intention of a list on
>the Internet.
>However, to show ourselves and others ('our sceptical colleagues') that the
>lists on the Internet are a useful and efficient tool for the progress of
>health care sciences, I suggest that we prepare 'Consensus Statements' on
>topics related to our list. We all have sound scientific knowledge and/or
>clinical experience in the field of pharmacokinetics to be able to prepare
>valuable documents for the benefit of our colleagues and the care of our
>Will we not be able to do it?.
>Cris Ronchera-Oms
>Hospital Pharmacist
>Valencia, Spain
>Also see:
Dear Chris,
Sounds like a good idea. The only problem I have is that I have to make
time at the end of my day to read the mail I currently receive (5 lists). I
would be interested in reading the kinetics material but am not sure how
much time I could devote to contributing to the discussion, if indeed my
contribution would be of merit. In any case, if there a sufficient number
of pharmacist out there willing to help out, you can count me in.
We will depend on your leadership or possilby the leardership of our
fearless coordinator of this list for this project.
Good Luck,
Robert Aucoin RPh
Peds Clincial Pharmacist
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