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For my dissertation I am studying effects of ethanol on flight performance of
female pilots on 2 days of their menstrual cycle.
I would like to compare EtOH ph'kinetics between the two test days, but I am
confused which model is more appropriate IN MY CASE OF MULTIPLE DOSE
ADMINISTRATION: mixed order (Michaelis-Menten) or zero-order (Widmark
We administered a total of 0.84 mL ethanol/kg bodyweight, divided into 4
drinks as follows:
at min 0 : 0.23 mL/kg
at min 20 : 0.23 mL/kg
at min 40 : 0.23 mL/kg
at min 90 : 0.15 mL/kg ("maintenance drink")
We took 22 breathalyzer readings for each subject. Due to our administration
procedure, the mean BAC-time curve showed two peaks: 77 mg/dL at min 80 and
85 mg/dL at min 105 (due to maintenance drink!).
What kind of analysis do the specialists recommend? Does it make sense to
calculate the theoretical BAC at t=O? What dose do I use (total dose of all 4
drinks, as if they were administered together, or maybe only first 3)?
Suggestions very appreciated - thanks for your help!
Best regards
Martin Mumenthaler
voice and fax: (415) 323-0665
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