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Dear List,
Situation: We recently had a 16 yr. old male patient in status
asthmaticus, resistant to everything we tried. Last resort was use of
Ketamine as part of the thearpy. The Anesthesia group went into orbit
because our Intensivist was going to do it without their blessing. They
were subsequently consulted and when they saw the doses we were going to
use, they said, "OH, no problem". But problems still arose because we
evidently have a very restrictive state nursing board.
Question: In your hospital, have you used Ketamine as a continuous drip
for its bronchdilation activity. If so, who did the patient monitoring (MD
Intensivist, Resident, Nurse, Clincial Nurse etc.?) What doses did you use?
Please respond to me privately unless you think this information would
be of use to the list.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Robert Aucoin RPh
Peds Clinical Pharmacist (I have the link to the net, that's why I'm asking)
OLOLRMC Baton Rouge, LA
Robert G. Aucoin RPh
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