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Population data modeling
Could you please post this on the PK Discussion Group.
Thanks very much
Roberto Gomeni
This is a special announcement for all people involved in population
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data analysis which are using or have planned to
use the NONMEM package (The NONMEM Project Group, Clinics-255, University of
California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0626, USA)
A new software called Visual-NM is now available. Visual-NM offers an
user-friendly and graphical interface to the NONMEM software and to its
complementary NM-TRAN pre-processor.
Visual-NM is organized in two main modules:
.. the DATA MANAGER which includes a front and back end program to NM-TRAN and
NONMEM offering spreadsheet and graphical connections to define and organize
several runs, to perform graphical and statistical exploratory analysis on the
original data or on the results generated by NONMEM and to process the NONMEM
table of results.
.. the REAL-TIME MONITOR to track and graphically display the ongoing
calculations offering the facility to suspend, interrupt and interactively
select the information to be displayed.
Visual-NM does not requires any modification in the original NONMEM code (just
add four FORTRAN statements) and does not interfere with the NONMEM algorithms.
Visual-NM is distributed with an \0x11Installer\0x12 module which allow either to
install the NONMEM component from the original media and to appropriately
configure the DATA MANAGER and the REAL-TIME MONITOR.
For additional information, contact BESTFIT S.A. at tel/fax (+352)45-40-15, or
email at
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