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Dear List,
I come a begging again. Today was yet another eye opening experience. Our
administrator announced that he had no problem justifying clinical's
existance. He does have a problem with funding us. His choices to us:
increase revenue or cut cost. Hard to cut the cost of two full-times and 3
part-times in a 700 bed hospital. Therefore, I am interested in a crash
course on IDE-9, CPT or any other combination of letters that have to do
with billing insurance companies, the government, HMO's, PPO's, Aunt Sally,
whatever. If there are any publications, workshops, antidoctal references,
hearsay... out there towards this end, I am open. Please respond forthwith.
Forever in your debt,
Robert Aucoin RPh
Peds Clinical Pharmacist...?
Our Lady of the Lake RMC
Baton Rouge, La.
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