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For members of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy:
I am forming a new ACCP Practice and Research Network (PRN) in the area of
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. I envision that the goals and
objectives of the PK/PD PRN will be to (1) provide a mechanism for
networking and collaboration, (2) provide educational programming, and (3)
provide a high quality forum where members with a similar interest can
discuss PK/PD research and methods.
The PK/PD PRN will be used to present and discuss a variety of current
topics including, but not limited to:
- population PK/PD analyses
- innovative PK/PD modeling
- concentration-effect relationships
- evaluation/comparison of PK methods and programs
- clinical pharmacokinetics research
- drug metabolism studies
Formation of a new PRN requires participation of at least 50 ACCP members.
The cost is $10 per year which will be charged on your annual dues
statement. If you are interested and have not already sent me your
information, please e-mail me your name, address, fax, and phone by
September 1. If there is enough interest, we will have an organizational
meeting at the ACCP Annual Meeting in Phoenix.
Stephen C. Piscitelli, Pharm.D.
Coordinator, Pharmacokinetics Laboratory
National Institutes of Health
PharmPK Discussion List Archive Index page
Copyright 1995-2010 David W. A. Bourne (