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I am always running into non-pediatric patients, usually elderly, but
could be any age group, who do not fit (naturally!) the standard 5 feet tall +
scenario OR have ABW that are <45.5 kg or 50 kg for male or female,
respectively. Someone recently (and of course I can't find the formula!) had a
CrCl calculation encorporating serum albumin for patients with low values, but
this is NOT the patient population I am looking for (though some may fit into
this category). Any suggestions?
Marc Semprebon, RPh
Lebanon, NH 03756
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> I am always running into non-pediatric patients, usually elderly, but
> could be any age group, who do not fit (naturally!) the standard 5 feet
>tall +
> scenario OR have ABW that are <45.5 kg or 50 kg for male or female,
> respectively. Someone recently (and of course I can't find the formula!)
>had a
> CrCl calculation encorporating serum albumin for patients with low
>values, but
> this is NOT the patient population I am looking for (though some may fit into
> this category). Any suggestions?
At least part of the problem you appear to be having may be helped by
using a suitable model for size. This may help particularly with smaller
than average people e.g.
CL =CLstd x (Wt/Wtstd)^3/4
where CLstd is the CL in a 'standard' size person with weight Wtstd. You
can use total body weight, ideal body weight.
See this for details:
Holford NHG. A size standard for pharmacokinetics. Clin Pharmacokin
PS Does ABW mean average body weight?
Nick Holford, Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology
University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand tel:+64(9)373-7599x6730 fax:373-7556
[db ABW == actual body weight ?]
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Thanks for the info. I'm going to check it out.
>PS Does ABW mean average body weight?
It's an acronym for actual body weight.
Del Tippey R.Ph., M.S.S.M.
DCH Regional Medical Center
801 University Blvd. E.
Tuscaloosa,AL 35405
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