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Does anyone out there know how to conduct the dissolution
test for nicardipine HCl TABLET (not capsule, not SR) with official
method? I have been looking for UPS XXIII, EP (1997), and JP (1991,
English version), BPC (1995? 1996?) but can not find it. The information
should include as follows:
Medium: ??; volume??
Apparatus: ??
Time: ??
Procedure: ??
Tolerance: ??
Thanks in advance.
Yung-jin (Frank) Lee, Ph.D.
Clinical/Hospital Pharmacy Dep.
Tri-Services General Hospital
#8, Sec. 3, Ting-chow Rd
Taipei, TAIWAN 100
Voice & Fax:+886-2-367-2174
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The solubilities of these dihydropyridines tend to be very low so it is
unlikely you will find a traditional dissolution method for nicardipine-
ie. you could never maintain a sink condition for USP methods I or II. You
may want to look in to a flow-through design or an extraction (two-phase)
method. Sometimes surfactants help (SLS or Tween) however, they will only
increase the solubility 2-4X at best and this is still not enough for
compounds of this nature.
> From: yjleeby way of David_Bourne
> To: Multiple recipients of PharmPK - Sent by
> Subject: Dissolution test for nicardipine HCl TABLET
> Date: 1997 March, 14 9:58 AM
> PharmPK - Discussions about Pharmacokinetics
> Pharmacodynamics and related topics
> Hi,
> Does anyone out there know how to conduct the dissolution
> test for nicardipine HCl TABLET (not capsule, not SR) with official
> method? I have been looking for UPS XXIII, EP (1997), and JP (1991,
> English version), BPC (1995? 1996?) but can not find it. The information
> should include as follows:
> Medium: ??; volume??
> Apparatus: ??
> Time: ??
> Procedure: ??
> Tolerance: ??
> Thanks in advance.
> ----
> Yung-jin (Frank) Lee, Ph.D.
> Clinical/Hospital Pharmacy Dep.
> Tri-Services General Hospital
> #8, Sec. 3, Ting-chow Rd
> Taipei, TAIWAN 100
> Voice & Fax:+886-2-367-2174
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