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Hello all:
I was interested in applying the mathematical concepts of frequency
response analysis to the development of phamacokinetic models. Similar work
has been done by Dedik et al in the past. I was wondering if anyone is aware
of any attempts to correlate physicochemical parameters of drug absorption
to the parameters in the frequency domain.
Mahesh Chaubal
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>I was interested in applying the mathematical concepts of
>frequency response analysis to the development of
>phamacokinetic models. Similar work has been done by Dedik et
>al in the past. I was wondering if anyone is aware of any
>attempts to correlate physicochemical parameters of drug
>absorption to the parameters in the frequency domain.
Until now we have not correlated physico-chemical parameters
of drugs to parameters of frequency-domain models describing
their absorption.
However in our study: Durisova M., Dedik L., Pharm. Res. 14,
1997, 860-864, we used the theory of dynamic systems and one
of the major tools of the linear dynamic system theory, i.e.
the frequency response method, to determine the model of
a cumulative drug absorption profile. This method was
exemplified using the in vitro dissolution profile of aspirin
coated granules and gastric emptying rate of these granules
in healthy volunteers. The in vivo dissolution system was
considered to consist of two subsystems connected in serial,
i.e. the subsystem describing the gastric-emptying process
and the subsystem describing the intestinal dissolution
process. Comparison of the dynamic properties of the subject
dissolution system with the subsystem describing the
gastric-emptying process yielded quantitative confirmation of
the decisive role of the gastric-emptying process in the in
vivo drug dissolution after administration in the multi unit
dosage form.
Maria Durisova
Ladislav Dedik
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