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Dear All
Is there anyone out there who can help us please? Cherwell Scientific
produces scientific software and we have produced 2 modelling software
packages of interest to people working with pharmacokinetic data. The first
package, ModelMaker, is a diverse easy to use, compartmental modelling
package capable of handling complex models whilst the second software
package, ModelManager, provides a single environment in which all the
modelling, data management, analysis and reporting for a research study can
be conducted.
We need help from people who model pharmacokinetic data on a regular basis
to state their requirements of a modelling package i.e statistical test,
simulation methods etc. We aim to manipulate the existing packages to make
an affordable modelling data management environment for the PK industry. In
particular, we are interested in hearing from people in the pre-clinical
side of drug development.
I look forward to your responses.
Kind regards
Dominic John
Dominic John
Account Executive
Dominic John | e-mail:
Account Executive | Phone: +44 (0)1865 784809
Cherwell Scientific Publishing | Fax: +44 (0)1865 784801
Oxford OX4 4GA, UK | URL:
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