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i am looking for some information on modulation of P450 levels and also
glutathione due to STZ-induced diabetes in the C57bl6 mice. Please give
refrences if possible.
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>i am looking for some information on modulation of P450 levels and also
>glutathione due to STZ-induced diabetes in the C57bl6 mice. Please give
>refrences if possible.
CYP2E1 is induced by mRNA stabilization.
Ma Q, Dannan GA, Guengerich FP, Yang CS. Similarities and differences in
the regulation of hepatic cytochrome P-450 enzymes by diabetes and fasting
in male rats. Biochem Pharmacol 1989;38:3179-84.
The extent of the induction depends on how severely glucose fluctuates.
Song B-J, Veech RL, Saenger P. Cytochrome P450IIE1 is elevated in
lymphocytes from poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetics. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 1990;71:1036-40.
Susan Shoaf, Ph.D.
Acting Chief
Unit of Pharmacokinetic Studies
10 Center Dr., MSC-1256
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