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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
1)If a compound is not metabolised by first pass, does that mean the
AUC with i.v. and i.p administration of that compound would be same.
2) Or in other words if the AUC by i.p. route is less by about 20 -
25% as compared to i.v administration: Can we say the drug is getting
first pass metabolised.
[1) No; 2) No. There may be incomplete absorption - db]
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
For point no 1 : it may not happen necessarily as by giving IV route the
absorption step is skipped, where as by giving through I.P route absorption
step is involved, that determines the extent of absorption, overand above
this factor, the first-pass metabolism and its extent rules the ratio of
AUCs following IV and I,P routes.
For Point No. 2 : Not necessarily, refer point 1 which gives the answer.
RK Bangaru
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