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Does anyone can tell us if there is any way to correlate serum creatinin
and GFR in rats with renal failure, as with the Cockfcroft and Gault formul
for humans?
Many thanks.
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It is probaby better to measure ammonia build than creatinine in failure.
Creatine can increase due to muscle wasting, exercise (and stress). Under
strictly controlled conditions creatine clearance is a indirect index to GFR.
It is perhaps better to use more controled methods-radiolabelled inulin, or
fluorescent inulin to get a more precise measure of GFR. It of course depends
on the level of certainty you want. Any measure of creatine in rats under
stress are questionable.
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In elderly patients or even otherwise, creatine clearance is a more accurate
measurement of renal function as compared to serum creatinine.
Dr Taneja
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The MEASUREMENT of creatine clearance in the typical ward/outpatient
setting is fraught with difficulties and has been shown to be a less
accurate reflection of renal function than PREDICTION of creatinine
clearance from serum creatinine (and age, weight, gender). Unless you
can reliably collect urine (e.g. catheter) then you are probably better
off predicting renal function using serum creatinine and intelligent use
of a model such as those proposed by Cockcroft & Gault or Jelliffe.
Wheeler LA. Sheiner LB. Clinical estimation of creatinine clearance.
American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 72(1):27-32, 1979
Nick Holford, Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology
University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand tel:+64(9)373-7599x6730 fax:373-7556
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