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Hello Everyone,
Recently there has been a discussion on the blood volume and maximum
blood draw in rat. I have a question regarding maximum dosing volume
in rat.
We are doing PK/Tox screening of some NCE's in rats. Our protocol
generally involves standard dosing volume 1-2 ml/kg in IV study,
however, sometimes solubility limitations necessitate the use of
higher volumes. What is the maximum allowable volume one can inject
intravenously to rats? Will injecting more volume have an effect on
the PK/Tox results?
J Kharidia
[Might be a case for iv infusion if larger doses/volumes are needed - db]
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A commonly used injectate volume for therapeutics in rats is 10 mL/kg
IV but I have actually gone to 20 mL/kg IV on a few occasions. If
the volumes get large, it may be advantageous to use a butterfly
infusion set instead of a needle attached to the syringe.
Mike McLane
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