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Question :Is it possible for morphine to be metabolized in vivo to
hydromorphone? Peter Dello Buono RpH .any info would be greatly appreciated.
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[Hi everyone - I'm sorry if you received multiple messages yesterday.
Our campus mail server much have hiccuped. It looks like things are
back to 'normal' so I'll try sending out a few more messages - db]
To my knowledge no metabolic study of morphine has found
hydromorphone in detectable quantities. For this reason I use
hydromorphone as an internal standard in a HPLC-ECD assay for morphine
and two major metabolites (M3G and M6G).
AW.E. Wright, et al. Ther. Drug. Monitor. 16 (1994) 200.
However to your question, I see no reason why morphine couldn't
theoretically be metabolised to hydromorphone. Though the capacity of
the UDP-glucuronosyl transferase family for glucuronidation of the 3
and 6 positions of morphine must make the oxidation of the position
six alcohol a much less favourable reaction as, as i mentioned
above, hydromorphone has not been reported in metabolic studies of
Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright
Senior Research Scientist
School of Pharmacy
The University of Queensland
Queensland 4072
ph: 61-7-33651381
fax: 61-7-33651688
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