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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear NMusers,
I am concerned by missing covariates. I did not find a lot of papers
dealing with that subject. Could anyone send me references on that subject=
Thank you in advance.
Jean Xavier Mazoit MD, PhD
Laboratoire d'Anesth=E9sie
Universit=E9 Paris-Sud
Facult=E9 de M=E9decine du Kremlin-Bic=EAtre
F-94276 Bic=EAtre France
Tel. (33) (0)1 49 59 67 35-37
(33) (0)1 45 21 34 41 (Hopital)
Fax (33) (0)1 45 21 28 75
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Dear Jean-Xavier,
Missing covariates is a wide topic. For the particular case of missing
covariates in Pop PK, we described an approach in
Karlsson MO, Jonsson EN, Wiltse CG, Wade JR.
Assumption testing in population pharmacokinetic models: illustrated with an
analysis of moxonidine data from congestive
heart failure patients.
J Pharmacokinet Biopharm. 1998 Apr;26(2):207-46
Best regards,
Mats Karlsson, PhD
Professor of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
Div. of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
Dept of Pharmacy
Faculty of Pharmacy
Uppsala University
Box 580
SE-751 23 Uppsala
phone +46 18 471 4105
fax +46 18 471 4003
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