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Hello every one,
I am a Ph.D student from India. Is it possible to give paracetamol as I.V
injection. Cose in one reference ( i.e British Journal of clinical
pharmacology 1979:7: 201-6.) they had mentioned regarding the I.V injection.
Is it possible, pls. clarify.
thankyou in advance.
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The i.v. application is marketed as prodrug: INN is Propacetamol, the trade
name is Pro-Dafalgan produced by UPSA medica, Belgium. We get it from
ESCAPO, The Netherlands.
Monitoring including phase I and II metabolites can be offered in our lab.
If you need additional details, don`t hesitate to contact us again.
Joachim Boos
Dept. Ped. Hematolgy and Oncology
D-48149 M=FCnster
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Dear Koumaravelou.K
Paracetamol/Acetaminophen as I know is not very soluble in water (hot water
- yes). I do not know at what conc. is the drug in the reference you
The drug is soluble when complexed with PVP or may be when micronized.
These are my thoughts.
Raju Poola
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Dear Dr Koumaravelou,
Propacetamol (Prodafalgan) is a prodrug of paracetamol widely used in
France and in other European countries. It is spontaneously hydrolysed in
plasma with a half-life of about 7 min after i.v. injection. However, I
guess that this drug is not available in most countries outside Europe.
Jean Xavier Mazoit MD, PhD
Laboratoire d'Anesth=E9sie
Universit=E9 Paris-Sud
Facult=E9 de M=E9decine du Kremlin-Bic=EAtre
F-94276 Bic=EAtre France
Tel. (33) (0)1 49 59 67 35-37
(33) (0)1 45 21 34 41 (Hopital)
Fax (33) (0)1 45 21 28 75
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Dear Dr Koumaravelou:
If you are in India. Try to contact Tablets (India) Ltd. 179 TH Road,
Madras- They have a formulation or at least you can get a hint from them.
Contact persons are Mr. R. Thiruvengadam Vice President and Mr. Madhavan
Vunni-QC Manager.
Hope this helps.
Prasad Tata, Ph.D.
Mallinckrodt, Inc.
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