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Has anyone used S-Plus from MathSoft?
Is there a Macintosh version available, yet?
Thanks in advance.
George D. 'Merlin' McCallion, Research Chemist
Department of Anesthesiology
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Post Office Box 143
Bala-Cynwyd, PA 19004-0143
Office: 1.215.590.6894
Fax: 1.215.590.4443
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S-Plus offers:
> flexible, convenient, and effective graphical tools (you can just 'send
to' other apps like Word and PowerPoint)
> extensive statistical tools, especially for PK and PK-PD model building
(nonlinear mixed effects, linear mixed effects, bootstrap, gam, etc)
> a graphical user interface, a script language, and the S programming
language for maximum user flexibility
> extensive application development tools, including a package for
enterprise wide, web based apps (StatServer)
The following websites might be of interest
the Xpose homepage - a collection of S-Plus functions useful for plotting
and evaluating NONMEM output developed by Niclas Jonsson and Mats Karlsson
a University of Virgina School of Medicine site maintained by Frank Harrell
with extensive biostatistical S-Plus programs, also distributed with S-Plus
You can also visit the web site for industry specific
news of interest. I think you can find a paper presented by Ene Ette titled
'Application of S-Plus Graphics, Modeling, and Statistical Tools in
Population PK' at an S-Plus user conference at that site.
There isn't a Macintosh version available yet.
Sarah Marston, MS, PhD
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