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Hi all members !
We are conducting intestinal permeability studies with ussing chambers.
What is, according to your experience the best technique for stripping
(removing) serosa and/or muscularis externa from rat intestinal segment
(duodenum and jejunum) and is there any interest to do such preparation?
many thanks in advance
Gilles DOLLO, Pharm. D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - University of Rennes 1
=46acult=E9 des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques
Laboratoire de Pharmacie Gal=E9nique et Biopharmacie
2 Avenue du Pr. L=E9on Bernard
35043 Rennes Cedex - France
Phone: (33) 2 99 33 62 65
=46ax : (33) 2 99 33 68 91
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When we did this 6+ years ago, we did the stripping with tweezers. Good
Jim Cassidy
Principal Scientist
Purdue Pharma LP.
Ardsley, NY 10502
> We are conducting intestinal permeability studies with using chambers.
> What is, according to your experience the best technique for stripping
> (removing) serosa and/or muscularis externa from rat intestinal segment
> (duodenum and jejunum) and is there any interest to do such preparation?
> many thanks in advance
> Gilles DOLLO, Pharm. D., Ph.D.
[I nearly didn't forward this until I checked the question ;-) db]
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Dear Gilles,
I did this some 23 years ago for my PhD thesis. I quote
The animal was killed by cervical dislocation. Immediately, the
abdominal wall was opened and the the small intestine located. A
curt was made in the intestine about 3 cm below the stomach and
about 80 cm of small intestine was taken out. The intestine
together with the attached mesentry into a beaker of 0.05 M
phosphate buffer. the exised small intestine was trimmed free of
mesentry and then washed with buffer. the intestine was drained
and cut into 10 cm lengths. Portions on intestine were cut
longitudinally and placed into a petri dish. Superficial layer of
mucin-like material and food remains were removed by lightly
scraping the surface of the exposed villi with microscope slide, one
end being held with the edge of a second. The mucosa was then
removed by more vigorous scraping of the intestine.
I in fact used the mucosa to preparae intestinal microsomes. It
was a good technique
Best wishes
Graham Mould
Guildford Clinical Pharmacology Unit
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road
Guildford, Surrey, UK
Tel:44 (0)1483 406886
Fax: 44 (0)1483 455375
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