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Does anyone know whether the hematocrit -in adults- is different when
sampling blood from veins versus finger capillaries? And whether finger
manipulation (squeezing finger, warming up finger) or other
factors/covariates can induce such difference? Any useful references
available with data from adults?
Thank you.
Bart Remmerie
Clinical Pharmacology
Janssen Research & Development
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Bart
Both the hemoglobin and the hematocrit are based on whole blood and are
therefore dependent on plasma volume. Venous and capillary blood will
similar haemotocrit values. Ofcourse finger manipulation may causes the
expression of tissue fluids and may result in a falsely low hematocrit.
Venkataranganna M.V., M.Ph, PhD
Connexios Life Sciences
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