PharmPK Discussion List Archive - 2013
PharmPK Discussion List Frequently Discussed Topics
A new book
a priori and a posteriori
Absorption pharmacokinetics
Additive or proportional error model
Allowable Limits of performance for quality assurance programs
Amidase assay
Apparent absorption rate constant in a two compartment model
Application of LME in Bioequivalence assessment
Application of Method of residuals in repeat dose cases
Assay for Cytarabine
BA - BE studies
BA assays
BCS Class
BCS class II drugs food effect
BCS Class II List of interest
BCS class of betamethasone
BCS Classification of drugs
BENOC for FDC of Phenylbutazone and Paracetamol
Benzodiazepine PK
Berkeley Madonna Floating-point exceptions error
Bioavailabiliy dry powder vs suspension
Can you compare total clearance values for different drugs
Capillary tubes for accurate PK sampling
Capillary versus venous hematocrit
Checking the integrity of BBB in rodents
Clearance greater than blood flow
Clinical study drugs in lactation
Clonazepam and temazepam PK resources
Clonazepam blood concentration
Cmax of voricanazole
Compound unstable in plasma/serum
Computing Urinary Excretion Fractions (fe) from Cmax and Tmax in urine
Conversion of lambdas to rates
Cortisone concentration in rat plasma
Data formatting in NONMEM
Decreased central compartment volume of distribution with weight
Determination of Half life of topical formulation
Different Tmax at different doses
Differentiating hepatic and GI metabolite
Difficult to extract compound
Docetaxel HPLC method
Dose conversion from IV to IM
Dose dependent PK and dose normalized C initial
Dose translation from one species to other species
Drug extraction
Effect of Food and EHC (Enterohepatic circulation) on Tmax
Estimation of terminal half-life when Clast is higher
Extraction Ratio
Extravascular lambda-z from micro-constants
Fill weight of a capsule
Fix residual error in Phoenix NLME
Flutamide BE study for ANVISA - Analyte to be measured
Food composition
Formulation Excipient to inhibit pgp
Fraction of drug dissolved
Gamma scintigraphy
Handling BLQs for NCA analysis
Hepatic levels of drugs
How to handle Missing data in Phoenix WinNonlin
iBook - eBook update
in-vivo P-gp inhibitor
Increase of metabolite AUC after giving inhibitors
Intercompartmental Clearance Q values
Is it reasonable to set a few THETA at fixed values
IVIVC Wagner Nelson Table
K-PD models
Ketoconazole substitute for CYP3A4/P-gp interaction studies
Latency to effective dose
Linear mixed effect model for tumor growth_Phoenix application
Long term Plasma stability
Losartan and atorvastatin doses in rabbits
Low plasma concentration by IV administration
Low recovery and interference with endogenous peaks
Low volume blood stabiliser
Low volume blood stabilizer
Matrix effect in Olmesartan method development
Meaning of PK curve as a probability curve
Microsome stability assay - low recovery for the control group without NADPH
Modeling rate limited absorption in Simcyp
Modelling drugs with 3 PK compartments
My eBooks
New Listserv server -
New version of my eBook "Basic Pharmacokinetics"
News from the listserv moderator
NONMEM practice data
OFV value increase
Oral Administration limits of hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin
Oral agent DDI due to GI toxicology
Oral magnesium supplementation
Osmolality limits for sc injection in mice
P450 inhibition characterization of low solubility compounds
PAMPA permeability equation
Papp calculation
Pharmacokinetic fit repeat analysis
Pharmacometrics Tutorials
Phoenix combination error model
Phoenix model for efflux limited oral absorption
Physiological time - Dedrick plot
PK impact of renal or hepatic impairment
PK-PD modeling using Symbiology
PK/PD of drug in retrobulbar space of eye
Plasma volume in children
Plot of the therapeutic frequency vs systemic exposures
Pop-PK model of Digoxin
Quality Assurance Audit of Method Validation for Clinical
Range for mABs 80-125% (Phase 1 PKPD)
Rate constant calculation
RBC distribution
Reference books on selection of optimal sampling time
Relative bioavailability MR formulations
Renal model
Replicate Design in Two Periods
Retro-orbital vs. tail vein dosing Mouse PK
Review by Professor Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate
Salicylic acid Cmax
Sample re-analysis calculation
Sample size estimates for relative bioavailability study
Sample storage requirements
Sampling time point of an anticancer agent
SBAs for drug/device product
Scaled average bioequivalence
Server running again - am/pm
Short, hopefully, suspension of the list
Sigmoidal enzyme kinetics
Species for In vitro/in vivo study
Standard deviations for pk parameter estimates
Statistical model for PK study
Steady state study for Extended Release drug
Strange metabolites on pyridopyrizine-like structure
Substrate inhibition of metabolism
Tablet content uniformity
Timescaling IVIVC
TK versus PK
Tlag in 2 and 3 compartment oral model
Transdermal delivery
Translational Animal models for PK
Turbidimetric method to determine MIC in human serum
Two fold or three fold plots
Unbound fraction of microsomal protein binding
Use of Cav in bioequivalence
Use of quercitin in food supplements
V/F and CL/F
Variable multiple dosing in WNL ASCII code
Variation in tmax
Volume of Distribution
Weighting in the terminal phase estimation in NCA
Winnonlin graphing question
WinSAAM file format for Batch
Within-day and day-to-day imprecision versus precision
Visit the PharmPK Website for more information
Copyright 1995-2014
David W. A. Bourne