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Hi everyone,
I'm interested in doing a mouse PK study in some rather small black mice. For systemic dosing, I had
planned to dose via the tail vein, but identifying the tail vein has been difficult. I'm looking
into doing retro-orbital dosing in these mice, but wonder if these two routes of administration are
comparable. Does anyone have any information on the comparability of retro-orbital versus tail vein
dosing in mice?
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Hello Tim,
You can find many publications where it has been reported that both the routes are similarly
effective. No biologically significant differences in terms of organ/tissue ditribution were found
between tail vein and retro-orbital routes of injection. The only advantage retro-orbital injection
has, that they are considered less stressfull and more humane in comparison to tail vein or other
intravascular injections in mice. Both routes are equally effective and can be adimistered
Thanks and Regards
Varun Khurana
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