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Hello All,
I have few questions which are basic and about which iam curious to know , my question's are
1. How do we graphically determine lag time (Tlag) in 2 compartment and 3 compartment oral models
while fitting PCT data generated after oral administration ?
Most of the Textbooks deal about Tlag estimation (graphical) in 1 compartment oral model cases but
not in higher compartment model cases
2. Does Tlag estimate seriously impact the final estimation process in Nonlinear regression of the
PCT data in case of 2 & 3 compartment models
Thanks for all your help
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The lag time is a delay between dose administration and absorption of the drug into the systemic
circulation. Tlag can be included as parameter in any model. If you take a standard 2 compartment or
3 compartment model and replace instances of time (t) with the expression (t-tlag), you can then
estimate the parameter tlag.
The inclusion of Tlag is important to accurately characterize the pharmacokinetics of a drug where
there is a lag between dose administration and drug absorption.
Best of luck!
Nathan Teuscher
Nathan S. Teuscher, PhD
Founder and President, PK/PD Associates
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